Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Top 100 best selling comics at Pitkämies in 2009

1. Jarla, Pertti: Fingerpori 2

2.Ranta, Ville: Eräänlaisia Rukouksia

3. Moore, Alan: The Watchmen

4. Jarla, Pertti: Fingerpori

5. Pirinen, Ville: Yhesti yhes paikas

6. Moore, Alan: League of extraordinary gentlemen III: Century 1

7. Nilsen, Anders: Sisyfos

8. Nissinen, Jyrki: Borgtron 09

9. Rapi, Aapo: Naaburger

10. Jupu: Baarien Nainen

11 Glömp: Glömp X

12. Ware, Chris: Jimmy Corrigan, the smartest kid on earth

13. Florent Ruppert/ Jérôme Mulot: Uhkapeliä

14. Ahokoivu, Mari: Löydä minut tästä kaupungista

15. Brown, Jeffrey: Haparointia

16. Musturi, Tommi: Samuelin matkassa

17. Vähämäki, Amanda: Äitienpäivä

18. Nissinen, Jyrki: Borgtron 10

19. Roju: Huonoa seksia

20. Hanks, Fletcher: You shall die by your own evil creation

21. Schrauwen, Olivier: Poika Kulta

22. Ware, Chris: Acme Novelty Library 19

23. Aikakausilehti: Aikakauslehti 02

24. Brinkley, Nell: Brinkley Girls

25. Brown, Jeffrey: Cat getting out of a bag and other observations

26. Derf: Punkrock and trailerparks

27. Kwon, Yong-Deuk: Yölinja

28. Lint, Jeff: The Caterer

29. Tiitu: Jää

30. Florent Ruppert/ Jérôme Mulot: Apinatarha

31. Jarla, Pertti: Pikku Fingerpori

32. Mordan, Rutu: Exit wounds

33. Carré. Lilli: Nine ways to disappear

34. Crumb. Robert: Book of Genesis

35. Pedrosa: Three shadows

36. Barry, Lynda: What it is

37. Bechdel, Allison: Fun Home

38. Sutinen, Aino: Taksi Kurdistaniin

39. Bagge, Peter: Buddy does Seattle

40. Burns, Charles: Black Hole

41. Delisle, Guy: Shenzhen

42. Latva-Nikkola, Jarno: Tunteiden Maisteri

43. Martin, Jacques: Alix 13: Karthagon aave

44. Ranta, Ville: Kajaani

45. Tan, Shaun: The Arrival

46. Turunen, Marko: Ufoja Lahdessa 2

47. Turunen, Marko: Ufoja Lahdessa 3

48. Carré. Lilli: Korpi-Peten kootut

49. Flerick, Mark: Arto saa turpaansa

50. Nissinen, Jyrki: Borgtron 11

51. Nissinen, Jyrki: Kaikki vierailuni Italialaisessa kodissa

52. Pirinen, Joakim: Kalmasen herrasväen aviopulmat

53. Powell, Nate: Swallow me whole

54. Aikakausilehti: Lehti (Aikakauslehti 2/2008)

55. Bechdel, Allison: Hautuukoti - Tragikoominen Perheeni

56. Nissinen, Jyrki: Borgtron 06

57. Sailamaa, Anna: Ollaan nätisti

58. Sfar, Joann: Pascin

59. Tiitu: Tuuli ja myrsky

60. Bagge, Peter: Buddy does Jersey

61. Brown, Jeffrey: Funny misshapen body

62. Canales, Diaz: Blacksad 3: punainen sielu

63. Carré. Lilli: The Lagoon

64. Clowes, Daniel: Ghostworld

65. Delisle, Guy: Pjongjang

66. Ganzfeld: Ganzfeld 7

67. Hanks, Fletcher: I shall destroy all civilised planets

68. Laitinen, Karri: Kafkan Tutti

69. Nissinen, Jyrki: Borgtron 02

70. Nissinen, Jyrki: Borgtron 07

71.Nissinen, Jyrki: Yli 10000 koiran koiranättely

72. Papu, Kaija: Totally Sweet Love Awesomeness

73. Rapi, Aapo: Kuningas Toffee

74. Tsuboi, Nene: Nice to meet you

75. Valve. Emmi: Circus Femme Fatale

76. Volle, Karstein: Käsi sydämellä: 100 tosiasiaa maailmailta

77. Bagge, Peter: Apocalypse nerd

78. Brinkman, Matt: Teratoid Heights

79. Clem, Mitch: Nothing nice to say

80. Kallio, Pauli: Maalaispunkin päiväkirja

81. Mignola, Mike: Hellboy

82. Nissinen, Jyrki: Borgtron 03

83. Nissinen, Jyrki: It's cool to smoke

84. Nissinen, Jyrki: Kiimaiset maantiesuolan imeskelijät

85. Ralph, Brian: Daybreak volume 3

86. Rapia, Kati: Miracle Baby

87. Risku, Milla: Joulukortit - Kuuseen

88. Seth: George Sprott 1894-1975

89. Gauld, Tom: Hunter and Painter

90. Illum, Stine: Friends

91. Mazzucchelli, David: Asterios Polyp

92. Mignola, Mike: Hellboy, pimeyden kutsu

93. Nissinen, Jyrki: Auttaja Hai

94. Nissinen, Jyrki: Borgtron 04

95. Nissinen, Jyrki: Borgtron 05

96. Rapi, Aapo: Meti

97. Sacco, Joe: Palestiina

A few comments on this one: Fingerpori 2 was by far the best selling book this year. It sold almost three times as much as the runner up, Ville Ranta's Eräänlaisia Rukouksia. One reason for this was the Fingerpori exhibition we had in march just when the book was released. It was probably the most popular exhibition we ever had at the Comics Centre. So yeah. That was nice.

Then there are ofcourse a lot of Huuda Huuda titles in the top 20 also for a ver simple reason: these are the books i always have in the store. With other books it always takes a while between it getting sold out and then me ordering it and receiving it back in the store. On principal though, i always try to keep certain books always in stock. For example Jimmy Corrigan, the smartest kid on earth, is one of my alltime favourite book and it is very easy to reply to customers who ask my opinion about which book i like and then say: Jimmy Corrigan is the best comic book ever made. It makes me feel pretty proud to have sold in 2008 26 copies of Chris Ware's magnus opus.

For the rest, a pretty nice list i would say so. A good mix of finnish and foreign material, all pretty good stuff (ofcourse, otherwise i wouldn't sell it in my store, that goes without saying).

There are a few surprises or perhaps complete unknown comics to some people that end up pretty high. Let's take the Caterer by Jeff Lint at spot 28 (sold 17 copies). This one is a beyond absurd comic reproduction from the seventies, full of excellent one liners and ununderstandable situations. Since Tuukka really likes this one, he practically forced this comic on everybody he knew or on people who came in the store whenever he was filling in behind the counter.

Naturally, Pitkämies has sold plenty of Jyrki Nissinen this year, and will continue to keep selling his top notch exploits as long as we keep on running. He has 14 titles in the top 100. I guess that says pretty much it. Hopefully one day some important comic publisher (cough Alvin Buenaventura cough) will spot Jyrki's genius talent and spread some finnish exhuberant madness around the globe.

All in all, I have no idea how to compare my best selling list with what's officially "in the charts" in normal bookstores or normal comic stores. It's radically different ofcourse. I bet you won't find any Mat Brinkman or Roju's Huonoa Seksia (spot 19, sold 19 copies) , but isn't that why people find their way to Pitkämies? I will try and keep up the selection of the store as it always have been: a carefully curated selection of good quality comics, wether they are mainstream, manga or silkscreened art. And I am hoping you all keep supporting this haven of indie goodness as long as Pitkämies as behind the wheels!

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